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Mana Hasegawa, Kajita Piriyaprasath, Masanori Otake, Rantaro Kamimura, Isao Saito, Noritaka Fujii, Kensuke Yamamura, Keiichiro Okamoto*
Effect of daily treadmill running exercise on masseter muscle nociception associated with social defeat stress in mice.
European J Oral Sciences 130(4) e12882 2022年.





1)Keiichiro Okamoto*, Mana Hasegawa, Kajita Piriyaprasath, Yoshito Kakihara, Makio Saeki, Kensuke Yamamura
Preclinical models of deep craniofacial nociception and temporomandibular disorder pain
Japanese Dental Science Review 57 231-241 2021

2)Keiichiro Okamoto*, Yoshito Kakihara, Naoto Ohkura, Aiko Tohma, Ayako Washio, Chiaki Kitamura, Yuichiro Noiri, Kensuke Yamamura, Makio Saeki
Effects of rice fermented extracts, "Sake Lees", on the functional activity of odontoblast-like cells (KN-3 cells).
Odontology 110(2) 254-261 2021年




2020 Publication

Shimizu S, Nakatani Y, Kurose M, Imbe H, Ikeda N, Takagi R, Yamamura K, Okamoto K*.
Modulatory effects of repeated psychophysical stress on masseter muscle nociception in the nucleus raphe magnus of rats. J Oral Science 62(2) 231-235 2020.

Shimizu S, Nakatani Y, Kakihara Y, Taiyoji M, Saeki M, Takagi R, Yamamura K, Okamoto K*.
Daily administration of Sake Lees (Sake Kasu) reduced psychophysical stress-induced hyperalgesia and Fos responses in the lumbar spinal dorsal horn evoked by noxious stimulation to the hindpaw in the rats.
Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 84(1) 159-170 2020.




2019 Publication

Hatta A, Kurose M*, Sullivan C, Okamoto K, Fujii N, Yamamura K, Meng ID.Dry eye sensitizes cool cells to capsaicin-induced changes in activity via TRPV1.
J Neurophysiol. 2019 Jun 1;121(6):2191-2201.

Nakatani Y, Kakihara Y, Shimizu S, Kurose M, Sato T, Kaneoke M, Saeki M, Takagi R, Yamamura K, Okamoto K*.
Japanese Rice Wine can reduce psychophysical stress-induced depression-like behaviors and Fos expression in the trigeminal subnucleus caudalis evoked by masseter muscle injury in the rats.
Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 2019 Jan;83(1):155-165.

黒瀬雅之, 岡本圭一郎*
日本顎関節学会雑誌 31 149 - 158 2019.




2018 Publications

Nakatani Y, Kurose M, Shimizu S, Hasegawa M, Ikeda N, Yamamura K, Takagi R, Okamoto K*
Inhibitory effects of fluoxetine, an antidepressant drug, on masseter muscle nociception at the trigeminal subnucleus caudalis and upper cervical spinal cord regions in a rat model of psychophysical stress.
Experimental Brain Research. 36(8):2209-2221, 2018.

Yamamura K*, Kurose M, Okamoto K.
Guide to Enhancing Swallowing Initiation: Insights from Findings in Healthy Subjects and Dysphagic Patients. Current Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Reports. Open Access. 2018

清水志保 , 中谷暢佑 , 岡本圭一郎*
日本口腔顔面痛学会雑誌 11(1) 1 - 8 2018.




2017 Publications

Hasegawa M, Kurose M, Okamoto K*, Yamada Y, Tsujimura T, Inoue M, Sato T, Narumi T, Fujii N, Yamamura K.
Differential Response Pattern of Oropharyngeal Pressure by Bolus and Dry Swallows.
Dysphagia. 2018 Feb;33(1):83-90.

Sakuma T, Kurose M*, Okamoto K, Hasegawa M, Fujii N, Nakatani Y, Takagi R, Sato T, Kodama Y, Ominato R, Yamamura K, Yamada Y: Use of a Novel Device to Assess Intraoral and Intrapharyngeal Baropressure during Sound Production.Folia Phoniatr Logop. 2017 Dec 12;68(6):274-281


Hossain MI, Horie M, Yoshioka N, Kurose M, Yamamura K, Takebayashi H: Motoneuron degeneration in the trigeminal motor nucleus innervating the masseter muscle in Dystonia musculorum mice.Neurochem Int. 2017 Oct 21. pii: S0197-0186(17)30342-X. doi: 10.1016/j.neuint.2017.10.009



2016 Publications

Kurose M, Imbe H, Nakatani Y, Hasegawa M, Fujii N, Takagi R, Yamamura K, Senba E, Okamoto K*.
Bilateral increases in ERK activation at the spinomedullary junction region by acute masseter muscle injury during temporomandibular joint inflammation in the rats.
Experimental Brain Research. 235(3):913-921, 2016.

Yamamura K*, Kurose M, Okamoto K: Chemical sensing regulates mastication/swallowing. Chemical Sence 2016;22(15):2279-84.

Otake M, Kurose M*, Uchida Y, Hasegawa M, Yamada Y, Saito I, Yamamura K: The interactions between different tastes on initiation of reflex swallow elicited by electrical stimulation in humans.Odontology. 2016 Sep;104(3):282-90.

山村 健介*:神経生理から見た咀嚼(総説). 日本咀嚼学会雑誌 26巻1号 2-8

峯村 昌子, 山村 健介: ホルモン補充療法(HRT)の日本での普及と情報源の関係 働く女性への質問紙調査から. 更年期と加齢のヘルスケア 15巻1号 70-80.


Hiraki K, Yamada Y, Kurose M, Ofusa W, Sugiyama T, Ishida R: Application of a barometer for assessment of oral functions: Donders space.J Oral Rehabil. 2017 Jan;44(1):65-72

Yoshikawa H, Yamada Y, Kurose M, Yamamura K, Maeda T, Seo K: Peripheral Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Modulates Regeneration Following Inferior Alveolar Nerve Injury in Rats.J Oral Facial Pain Headache. 2016 Fall;30(4):346-354

Hitomi S, Kross K, Kurose M, Porreca F, Meng ID: Activation of dura-sensitive trigeminal neurons and increased c-Fos protein induced by morphine withdrawal in the rostral ventromedial medulla. Cephalalgia. 2016



2015 Publications

Rahman M, Okamoto K, Thompson R, Katagiri A, Bereiter DA: Sensitization of trigeminal brainstem pathways in a model for tear deficient dry eye. Pain. 2015 May;156(5):942-50.

Meng ID, Kurose M, Barton S, Mecum N: Corneal sensitivity following lacrimal gland excision in the rat. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 56(5):3347-54. 2015.

Uchino K, Higashiyama K, Kato T, Haque T, Sato F, Tomita A, Tsutsumi K, Moritani M,Yamamura K, Yoshida A: Jaw movement-related primary somatosensory cortical area in the rat. Neuroscience. 22;284:55-64. 2015.

Khasabov SG, Malecha P, Noack J, Tabakov J, Okamoto K, Bereiter DA, Simone DA: Activation of rostral ventromedial medulla neurons by noxious stimulation of cutaneous and deep craniofacial tissues.J Neurophysiol. 2015 Jan 1;113(1):14-22.




2014 Publications

Mostafeezur RM, Shinoda M, Unno S, Zakir HM, Takatsuji H, Takahashi K, Yamada Y, Yamamura K, Iwata K, Kitagawa J: Involvement of astroglial glutamate-glutamine shuttle in modulation of the jaw-opening reflex following infraorbital nerve injury. Eur J Neurosci. 2014.

Takahashi K, Shingai T, Saito I, Yamamura K, Yamada Y, Kitagawa J: Facilitation of the swallowing reflex with bilateral afferent input from the superior laryngeal nerve. Neurosci Lett. 562:50-3. 2014.

冨所 慶子, 江川 広子, 黒瀬 雅之, 山田 好秋, 山村 健介: 介護保険施設の介護職員へ行う口腔衛生状態改善の試みが、要介護高齢者の口腔衛生状態へ与える影響. 日本歯科衛生学会雑誌. 9(1) 41-51. 2014.




2013 Publications

伊藤 彰, 高橋 肇, 北川 純一, 黒瀬 雅之, 山田 好秋, 山村 健介: 咀嚼時の米菓のテクスチャー変化とかたさ官能評価の関連. 日本咀嚼学会雑誌. 23(1) 3-16. 2013.

山村健介: 摂食・嚥下の神経生理学的基盤と今後の研究課題. 新潟歯学会雑誌. 43(1) 1-12. 2013.

山村健介: 摂食・嚥下の基礎. 化学と生物. 51(5) 302-309. 2013.


Kurose M, Meng ID: Corneal dry-responsive neurons in the spinal trigeminal nucleus respond to innocuous cooling in the rat. J Neurophysiol. 109(10):2517-22. 2013.

Kurose M, Meng ID: Dry eye modifies the thermal and menthol responses in rat corneal primary afferent cool cells. J Neurophysiol. 110(2):495-504. 2013.

Meng ID, Kurose M: The role of corneal afferent neurons in regulating tears under normal and dry eye conditions. Exp Eye Res. 117:79-87. 2013.

Kato T, Nakamura N, Masuda Y, Yoshida A, Morimoto T, Yamamura K, Yamashita S, Sato F: Phasic bursts of the antagonistic jaw muscles during REM sleep mimic a coordinated motor pattern during mastication. J Appl Physiol. 114(3):316-28. 2013.


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